If you’re looking for ideas/inspiration for a unique enclosure for your project, you’ve come to the right place! Ideas and pictures on this page are contributed mainly by members of DIY guitar stompboxes groups and communities on G+, Facebook, Reddit and other forums. Some projects have also been handpicked from the internet without which, this list would be incomplete. Want to feature your pedal in this list? Click here.
Out of the Ordinary Enclosures-
1. Glow In Dark Fuzz Face
Germanium fuzz face clone with glow paint; sounds like a piece of moon rock!
Built by George Robins.

2. Merry Christmas OverDrive
Merry Christmas OD from Mean Machines FX Pedals. It’s a transparent overdrive that uses sound to light up LEDs. The Christmas tree lights up to the rhythm of the music!

3. The 1954 Transparent Fuzz Pedal (Patent Pending)
A boutique transparent fuzz pedal by screaminfx. See all the tone making glory in the actual pedal. Click here to see it in action.

4. The Complete picture
Planning to build pedals on a large scale? Here’s an idea for the pedal maniacs!

5. The Quick builds
At times, cheap enclosures from reusable tins and vessels make just the perfect housing for ‘on the go pedals’.

Pedal with an expiry date?
The Coconut Pedal

6. Deluxe Strat Booster

7. Need I say?
The very next thing that should be followed by a strat pedal.

8. Wooden Enclosures?
Wooden crafted enclosures may be very taxing to make and require woodworking skills, but are surely feasible for those who can!

9. Danelectro Series
Perhaps better known for their economy Mini series, Danelectro has released some beauties over the years. The sixties-inspired collection: a reverse delay, sitar emulator, talk-box and flanger have a really characteristic appealing look that makes them stand out of the crowd!

10. The Plymouth Vibe
A Magnavibe, built into a model car.
“More affordable muscle cars in different colours are yet to be added to my pedal board fleet”
Created by Tom Williams.
The Lady Buzz-
A portable, transistor radio converted into a guitar pedal, by Mark Davis.

A collection of the most unique and characteristic pedal art created by passionate hobbyists!
Theme based art-
- Final Fantasy VII ZenDrive
Hand painted drive pedal by Joe Warnock.

- Minecraft themed Pedal by

The Hot Sauce Preamp Drive Boost Pedal
Created by Rafferty Guitar Pedals. See it in action here.
Fulltone Soul Bender clone
A sweet Fulltone Soul Bender clone with AC176s built by Clem West. For more of his projects be sure to follow him at westpedalsinc.

Concrete FUZZ
Concrete stands out in the silicon jungle. A unique low gain fuzz with a buffer pedal by Cory Pierce.
Concrete stands out in the silicon jungle. A unique low gain fuzz with a buffer pedal by Cory Pierce.

Clean Text Art
A neat Feedbacker Fuzz by Adam Jóźwiak. Blackened oakwood and electro-etched aluminum plate. Goes from clean to slaughter of the innocents.

Occvlt Dope Fuzz
Mighty fuzz which makes your riffs open the gates of hell and bring down the river of demons, black magic, drugs and blasphemy! By Occvlt Pedals – Handmade Guitar and Bass Stuff.
Buy them at- https://reverb.com/shop/ occvlt-pedals
Buy them at- https://reverb.com/shop/

Pedal building is an art and takes several hours of work before the creation of a masterpiece. Hobbyists invest time and money in creating masterpieces, please credit the creators if you happen to replicate any of the artwork on this page.
Certain Pedal-Art may be patented. Kindly, consider contacting the creators before replicating any art from this page on a commercial scale.
Certain Pedal-Art may be patented. Kindly, consider contacting the creators before replicating any art from this page on a commercial scale.
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